Swap Shop Guide

You will find our 'Swap Shop' in the green container near the little beige shed. It is not necessary, as the name implies, that you leave something to take something.

Inside, you can find just about anything that you would find in someone's house ( or garage). Plenty of books, movies, puzzles, kitchen wares, knick knacks, children's toys, small furniture, tools, lights, etc etc. 

PLEASE - If you have electronics that work, see the attendant to discuss whether or not you can leave it there.

You can leave larger pieces of furniture outside but if we have to dispose of it, you will be charged accordingly.

The magical mystery of the Swap Shop is - if you ask Jane or Michelle for something  (or just wish for it), it will show up. The quickest response time on record is 10 minutes - AND - the person delivered it !!! ('it' was an offset sliding seat to straddle a tub wall)