The Floating Bridge of the Pontoosuc Turnpike

By Tom Hoffman

 The Pontoosuc Turnpike was a stage route from Pittsfield to Westfield, that started operating around 1831. It was in existence until 1839, when the Western Railroad bought out the company to utilize it route through the Westfield River Valley between Washington and Chester.

 Part of that stage route in Washington followed present day Upper Valley Road,  except where White Wolf Trucking is. There the stage route cut through the swamp, on a floating wooden bridge, that was probably 500 feet long. The Pontoosuc used it from1831 until 1839, then it was utilized as a County road until about 1856. 

 The bridge was deemed dangerous due to it be submerged at times, and also being wobbly when horses and stages were on it. In 1856, the County rerouted the road around the swamp to its present location. FloatingBridge1

Floating Bridge 2

Floating Bridge 3

Floating Bridge 4

Floating Bridge 5

Floating Bridge 6

Floating Bridge 7

Floating Bridge  8

Floating Bridge 9