Historical Commission News & Announcements

The Floating Bridge of the Pontoosuc Turnpike

 The Pontoosuc Turnpike was a stage route from Pittsfield to Westfield, that started operating around 1831. It was in existence until 1839... more ››

Memories of Emily Dennis Harvey, Who Grew Up in Washington in the 1940s

In May of 2023, Emily Dennis Harvey visited Josh Greene, who now owns the house Emily lived in with her mother, Eleanor Dennis, and her... more ››

Stumph and Bradley's Sawmill

If you’ve ever walked down the Navin Trail in October Mountain State Forest, you’ll notice a stone dam to your right at the first brook... more ››

Where is Richard Congdon?

Richard Congdon, son of William Congdon (1777-1866) of Washington, was born in 1824. His mother is unknown. William's father, William Sr. (... more ››

The Old Town Hall Cemetery

On a beautiful late September morning in 2021, a small group of Washington residents arrived at the Old Town Hall Cemetery ready to work. ... more ››